- Total Commander Apk Download
- Total Commander 64 Bit Download
- Total Commander Android
Total Commander Android 3.10 APK Download and Install. Android version of the desktop file manager Total Commander (www.ghisler.com). There are no 7 digit Total Commander keys. The license number is 1-6 digits, and the key code to re-download your key is 30 characters with letters and digits mixed. Author of Total Commander. May 3, 2018: Total Commander 9.20 public beta 1 is now available for download. Total Commander 9.12 final for Windows available! November 24, 2017: Total Commander 9.12 final is now available for download. Total Commander 9.12 release candidate 4 for Windows available!
Download version 9.51 of Total Commander
(fully functional Shareware version, 5MB EXE file):
Direct download (RECOMMENDED):
- 32-bit version only (Windows 95 up to Windows 10, runs on 32-bit AND 64-bit machines!)
- 64-bit version only (Windows XP up to Windows 10, runs ONLY on 64-bit machines!)
- 64-bit+32-bit combined download (Windows 95 up to Windows 10, 32-bit AND 64-bit machines!)
- Insecure downloads via http: 32-bit | 64-bit | 64-bit+32-bit combined
Total Commander Apk Download
Techspot (32+64bit and separate 32/64bit)Softpedia (32+64bit and separate 32/64bit)Winsoftware Germany (english page, 32+64bit combined)Straightvisions Germany (english page, 32+64bit and separate 32/64bit)Instalki.pl (Polish software site, 32+64bit and separate 32/64bit)Alpinefile.ru(Russian page, separate 32/64bit)programosy.pl (Polish page, separate 32/64bit)Programki.net (Russian page, 32+64bit and separate 32/64bit)SLO.ru (Russian software site, separate 32/64 bit)Note: These mirrors belong to other companies and are often ad-supported.
Total Commander is certified to be 100% clean, no viruses, no adware, no spyware.
We no longer supply an MD5 checksum. Instead, please press Alt+Enter on the downloaded installer to verify that it has a valid digital signature from Ghisler Software GmbH!
Update instructions for registered users
Using Total Commander on an Apple Mac?
Does safari run on windows. Adobe reader winxp. You can use a Windows emulator like Vmware fusion, Parallels or Crossover for Mac to use Total Commander on an Apple Mac computer.
Or try Commander One - Free File Manager for Mac OS X with PRO Pack of additional features for advanced file management. Aimed to be an alternative of Total Commander for Mac users.
Or CRAX Commander, which makes it easier for true fans of TC to migrate from Windows to Mac. CRAX Commander makes possible browsing archives as folders, connecting to FTP / SFTP, multi-renaming files, navigating in app using TC shortcuts and much more. Joyoshare video converter 3 0 0 m.
DCommander for Mac OS X is another great alternative for Mac Users. It includes everything you would expect from an advanced dual-pane file manager, including FTP, SCP, archive browser, synchronization and more, all with minimal memory usage and multi-language support.
Nimble Commander for Mac OS X is a 2 panel file manager especially for power users:
- External Tools integration support: Quickly open any application with a variety of parameters based on the current focus/selection/path, etc.
- External Editors can be used with any virtual file system, and changed files will be uploaded back. Unity 5 5 2f1 – high end game development app.
New: Total Commander for Android and Windows Phone/Mobile/CE!
Still using Windows 3.1?
Total Commander 9.50 beta 3 is available now!
What's new in beta 3:- Dark mode is now available by default on Windows XP and newer
- Dark mode: Scrollbars in the main file lists are now drawn dark when not scrolling with the mouse
- Three new internal commands to switch dark mode on and off: cm_SwitchDarkmode: on/off, cm_EnableDarkmode: on, cm_DisableDarkmode: off
You can use the same installer as for beta 2, it can download and install also older beta versions.
The update to 9.50 adds a lot of new functions, see below. It also corrects many errors. Complete list of changes.
New functions in Total Commander 9.50:

User interface:- Dark mode, starting with Windows 10 1809 (Fall 2018), inofficially also with older Windows versions (ForceDarkModeOptions=1)
- Increased directory history length to 200 (configurable via HistoryLenStored)
- History: Only show directories in which the user performed some operation (configurable). Alt+Shift+Down arrow shows full history
- Drive dropdown list, drive buttonbar: Show 'eject' overlay over drive icon for removable drives
- When scrolling through file lists with the keyboard, keep a margin of 4 lines above/below the current position (configurable)
- Directory panels: Show <LINK> for hard links/soft links to files instead of 0 size
- Ctrl+Q quick view: Show contents of link target instead of lnk file content
- Configuration - Options - Display: New option 'Append ' to show folders as Folder instead of [Folder]
- Internal associations: Optional: Add extra verbs from ALL matching filters, default 'open' only from the first match
- Show 'New' submenu also in context menu for [.] entry, to create new file in current directory
- Windows 10, context menu: Menu item 'Share' didn't do anything -> handle it internally
- Quick search dialog: Clear search with Ctrl+Y
- Right click on directory tab -> 'Recently closed tabs'
- Show location of Total Commander EXE file in about box
File operations:- Archives: Choose codepage when unpacking files, e.g. to unpack names with cyrillic characters. Show [Auto] or chosen encoding in tab header.
- OneDrive folder: Handle folders appearing as file system links
- F5 copy dialog: Support directory hotlist (Ctrl+D)
- Create CRC checksums: New options to use Unix format, and to always use UTF-8
FTP / File system plugins:- Transfer from FTP server to FTP server with F5: Option to copy via local PC
- Transfer from/to FTP/FS plugins: Support copy filters like the local file copy function, e.g. *.txt | excludeddir
- FTP, upload/download with F5 - F2 in background: Support client certificate
- RestrictInterface=6144: Disallow all plugins, or 4096: Only allow plugins with a valid digital signature
Multi-rename tool:- New placeholder [ c ] = number of files in list
- New placeholder [ S ] = file size
Alt+F10 tree:- Option to use 'Everything' to load the tree
- Combobox to change drive, open with Alt+F1 or Alt+F2
Total Commander 64 Bit Download
Search:- Search with 'Everything': Show percent of the search results transferred to Total Commander
- Improved search in Office xml files (e.g. .docx, .ods etc): find accented characters
- Automatically check 'Everything' option when using prefix ev: or ed: in search field
- Option to search in search results only
- View previous search results
Lister (F3):- Define which view method and plugin should be used when opened, separately by file type, e.g. all jpg files with internal image viewer
- Press '8' to show preview as the Explorer (uses IPreviewHandler or IThumbnailProvider if the former isn't available)
- Support printing of JPG/PNG/GIF in Lister with internal image viewer
Compare by content:- Set color for underlined search results
Synchronize dirs:Total Commander Android
- Use Ctrl+PageUp/PageDown to jump to next/previous directory
Internal commands:- New internal commands with parameters: LOADSELECTION, SAVESELECTION, SAVEDETAILS plus ANSI/Unicode versions
- cm_ModernShare allows to use the new Windows 10 'Share' context menu item directly
- cm_ChangeArchiveEncoding to open the archive encoding popup menu
- cm_MoveTabLeft and cm_MoveTabRight to manually move current tab
Download Total Commander 9.50 beta now (Free update/Demo version)
The update is still free for all registered users (also of Windows Commander) - simply install the new demo version over the existing full version.
Download Total Commander Ghisler